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Arushi-Hemraj Murder Case
Brief about the case:
The Arushi-Hemraj murder case refers to the murder of 14-year-old Arushi Talwar and 45-year-old Hemraj Banjade, who was a domestic worker in the Talwar household, in Noida, India in 2008. The initial investigation led to the arrest of Rajesh Talwar, Arushi's father, and he was subsequently found guilty of murder in 2013. However, the conviction was overturned in 2017 by the Allahabad High Court, which stated that there was not enough evidence to support the guilty verdict. The case remains unsolved and is considered a highly controversial and debated topic in India.
Solving the Arushi-Hemraj murder case would involve gathering and analyzing all of the available evidence, interviewing potential witnesses, and thoroughly investigating all leads. The following steps could be taken to try and solve the mystery:
1. Review all existing evidence: This includes physical evidence found at the crime scene as well as statements and testimony from witnesses and suspects.
2. Re-interview witnesses and suspects: Some witnesses and suspects may have new information or may have remembered something they previously forgot.
3. Re-examine physical evidence: Advances in technology may have made it possible to extract new information from existing physical evidence.
4. Investigate new leads: This could include following up on tips or information from the public, or looking into potential suspects or motives that were not previously considered.
5. Consult experts: It could be helpful to consult experts in fields such as forensics, psychology, or criminology to help interpret the evidence and build a stronger case.
It is worth noting that, the case is complex, and without new evidence or leads, it may be difficult to solve. However, it is important for any investigation to be thorough, impartial and unbiased in order to achieve justice for the victims and their families.
By Author Prakash Prasad© CC BY-SA 2023
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